Remote Support

We can provide “remote support” to view your computer desktop at the same time as yourself and then provide direct real time support to any accounting questions relating to the operation of your accounting package.

We use a download remote support tool which will allow us both to view your computer desktop at the same time. We can then provide training and support to you as well as update your accounting system if required.

In order to enable the remote assistance you will need to down load a quick support file to your desktop. At the bottom of the page you can download the file by selecting the appropriate operating system.

We use Team viewer remote assistance software which is highly secure. TeamViewer is an exceptionally secure solution for remote maintenance. Connections utilize secure data channels featuring 2048-bit RSA key exchange and 256-bit AES session encryption. Even chats and video calls are end-to-end encrypted

In order to access remote support you must first contact us on 01646 698869 to arrange a convenient time for us to provide the online access. Once you have downloaded the Teamviewer quick support file you will be given an ID number for this remote session to start.

Download TeamViewer QuickSupport